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As we all know parks, gardens and open spaces in Norfolk are coming under rapidly increasing pressure for agricultural, industrial, housing and recreational development.

There is no statutory protection for gardens

There is the constant danger of our gardens being neglected or in extreme cases destroyed. The Trust stands as a vigilant and high profile conservation lobby and clearly the more members we have the more weight we can carry.

Practical Assistance

The Trust is able to offer help in the following ways:

Advice on sources for Grants. As a Charitable Trust we are able to raise funds for specific appeals. For details on how to apply for grant applications click here.

Help with Historical Research, advice on authenticity in a restoration or re-creation of new gardens, and advice and help on a wide variety of gardening related subjects and projects.

Planning – we are involved in reviewing major developments that impact on Norfolk landscapes. For more information or to join our planning team please email our Planning Officer Keri Williams at

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